Monday, October 15, 2012

There is a new girl in my life. She's been with me about a year.

Last October I contacted three Turkish Van cat breeders that were driving distance from Chicago. I told them about Bud. I told them about Shazaam, who passed away right before my mom died, my long term romance ended and I moved house from the suburbs back to the city. I needed a friend.

I was looking for an adult boy Turkish Van but found an adult girl in Thalia. My first girl kitty. She's from Michigan. She is pure bred Turkish Van. She was 6 years old. She was an 'Alpha' kitty of her Cattery but when her owners had her fixed after her third litter, the other females at her Cattery began fighting her. She needed adoption. We found each other.

She is very pretty. She has the bluest eyes that put her beauty in Elizabeth Taylor territory. She is smart and funny. Brave and curious. We've had a year together and we both really like each other. I've convinced her to use the 2nd bathrooms toilet instead of a litter box. She talks to me in her meows often. She meows hi when I enter the room shes in. She fetches her toys and drops them at my feet. She helps me keep my heart opened.

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