Saturday, October 12, 2013

Me here at last on the ground...

Its my favorite time of the year.

It's not shocking that Maine does Autumn very well. Sweater weather. Loafers. Or rain boots. Wool socks. The summer folks are leaving or have left. The kids are back in school. I'm starting to feel like my feet are on the ground.

Thallia's fur coat is finally appropriate. 
I still get up way earlier than she does.

My I-Phone is finally becoming less important. Huge happy dance that my phone is not necessary for either of my new jobs. 

Yeah. Two new jobs. 

Scraping a living together seems to be the way up here. Two good jobs. No small feat and none too soon. One full time job that's 500 feet from my front door and populated with wicked nice people. One part time job with animals. I know! So good.

I manufactured both jobs; dropped off resumes at both places with pretty good cover letters suited for each job. Neither place was hiring. I'd applied to, oh maybe fifty jobs. Some were hiring, some not. Some were appropriate, some not. Hi Pizza Hut.

The part time job with animals came first and everyone, especially me, sighed with relief heavily. There were almost four weeks of the seven mile commute on the Honda Scooter. Mostly it was summer weather so it was fine but occasionally it was really foggy or super cold. Always one way was at night. Hat and gloves in August anyone? Anyone? No...?

I bought a fire engine red Honda from the late '90s. No rust, minor issues and (horrors) no air conditioning installed. Fixed the minor issues, bought it new tires and told myself Maine has short summers. No more scary night time commuting on Route 1 on the scooter.

The full time job came just as I was car ready, although I don't need it to get there as it's literally across the street from home. Great people (only four others! Hurrah!!) interesting work and zero stress.

I look forward to the snow flying.

Saturday, August 03, 2013

A walk along Main Street....

One of us was incredibly thirsty and both of us had the giggles belly laughs. ...'Bout 45 minutes of guffaws as we took photos with my I-phone; everything was a good reason to stop and snap "so cute, beautiful, just very special". 

"Hold my water pleases oh please let me take a photo its so special see?..." 

We both found it hilarious at how thirsty she was and I tried very hard not to compose a poem in my head about how thirsty we both are. We laughed as she proudly showed how much fun it is do drink out of where the straw goes with out the straw. So scandalous. So hilarious. So fun. Her cuppa water lasted the entire 45 minute walk. The use of a good prop, mastered. Mid-summer magic hour Main Street madness.

Pretty, pretty things we found that looked lovely and interesting through my lens... 

All within two blocks from our respective front doors. We started at the store with the cool sun hats and turned around at the new bakery when the phone rang telling us it was time for her supper. I dropped her off at her front door but not before we met a dog in a dog suit. 

So hilarious. 

Wednesday, July 10, 2013

...isn't it rich?

I built a new house in Maine
with a loved and trusted relative

We decided to move in
and build many more houses

We'll fill out the neighborhood together
with charm, humor, good design and strong foundations